Jumat, 27 Desember 2013


7th December 2013
23North Depok
Dear Sirs,
With this letter, we notify that our order computer package we've arrived appropriate time. However, after we check, there is a malfunction of some computer that you sent.
That such flaws would we can explain as follows :
1. Three units monitor broken.
2. Two units of the cpu does not function.
3. Three units of a keyboard broken.

As evidence, the damaged goods we send back to you to be examined and become your attention.
We wish we didn't order goods damaged like this again in the latter days because it is very injurious to the rate business of our company. If you repeat this mistake for the second time us with very sorry to have to decide a cooperative relationship that has long existed this.

We were waiting for a reply from you. Thank you.
sincerely yours,
Kemang 7
south Jakarta
12th December 2013
south Jakarta
Dear Mr. director of PT. REMA MEDIA,
Your letter dated 5 December 2013 had we've received and we consider and understand. So it is with our production goods being restored because there is a shortage of or damage.

With excusatory plea of magnitude, we cannot receiving a complaint you. The reason that we can offer to you is as follows :

1. Packages of computer that we have sent to you in a state of good.
2. A computer that we send a whole has to pass the test feasibility.

However, because you have sent and showing damage on goods orders you then we as a manufacturer that will be held responsible and changed all the damage to the goods. We will send reimbursement for goods damaged within two days as from this letter received.

So we talk about the answer of complaints you over damage packages of computer products us.

For your attention, We would like to thanks.

Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Business Letter

1. Letter Head (Kop Surat/ Kepala surat)
Merupakan identitas yang berisi logo, nama, alamat dan telepon dari pengirim surat.

2. Reference Line 
Didalam surat berbahasa Inggris biasanya berisi huruf depan nama eksekutif yang menandatangani surat tersebut, diikuti dengan garis miring atau titik dua, lalu nama pengetik surat. Beberapa perusahaan menambahkan kode atau nomor tertentu berdasarkan sistem arsip mereka. Reference diletakkan dibagian atas surat diatas date. 

4. Inside Address
Bagian ini berisi nama penerimaan surat, jabatanya, dan nama perusahaannya disertai alamatnya. Jika kamu tidak yakin untuk siapa (nama) surat tersebut ditujukan, jangan kosongkan, tetapi coba untuk mengunakan jabatannya, seperti “Director of Human Resources”. Beri jarak antara tanggal dengan penerima.

5. Parts of a Business Letter

This resource is organized in the order in which you should write a business letter, starting with the sender's address if the letter is not written on letterhead.

6. Sender's Address

The sender's address usually is included in letterhead. If you are not using letterhead, include the sender's address at the top of the letter one line above the date. Do not write the sender's name or title, as it is included in the letter's closing. Include only the street address, city, and zip code.

7. Date

The date line is used to indicate the date the letter was written. However, if your letter is completed over a number of days, use the date it was finished in the date line. When writing to companies within the United States, use the American date format. (The United States-based convention for formatting a date places the month before the day. For example: June 11, 2001. ) Write out the month, day and year two inches from the top of the page. Depending which format you are using for your letter, either left justify the date or tab to the center point and type the date.

8. Inside Address

The inside address is the recipient's address. It is always best to write to a specific individual at the firm to which you are writing. If you do not have the person's name, do some research by calling the company or speaking with employees from the company. Include a personal title such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr. Follow a woman's preference in being addressed as Miss, Mrs., or Ms. If you are unsure of a woman's preference in being addressed, use Ms. If there is a possibility that the person to whom you are writing is a Dr. or has some other title, use that title. Usually, people will not mind being addressed by a higher title than they actually possess. To write the address, use the U.S. Post Office Format. For international addresses, type the name of the country in all-capital letters on the last line. The inside address begins one line below the sender's address or one inch below the date. It should be left justified, no matter which format you are using.

9. Salutation

Use the same name as the inside address, including the personal title. If you know the person and typically address them by their first name, it is acceptable to use only the first name in the salutation (for example: Dear Lucy:). In all other cases, however, use the personal title and last/family name followed by a colon. Leave one line blank after the salutation.
If you don't know a reader's gender, use a nonsexist salutation, such as their job title followed by the receiver's name. It is also acceptable to use the full name in a salutation if you cannot determine gender. For example, you might write Dear Chris Harmon: if you were unsure of Chris's gender.

10. Body

For block and modified block formats, single space and left justify each paragraph within the body of the letter. Leave a blank line between each paragraph. When writing a business letter, be careful to remember that conciseness is very important. In the first paragraph, consider a friendly opening and then a statement of the main point. The next paragraph should begin justifying the importance of the main point. In the next few paragraphs, continue justification with background information and supporting details. The closing paragraph should restate the purpose of the letter and, in some cases, request some type of action.

11. Closing

The closing begins at the same vertical point as your date and one line after the last body paragraph. Capitalize the first word only (for example: Thank you) and leave four lines between the closing and the sender's name for a signature. If a colon follows the salutation, a comma should follow the closing; otherwise, there is no punctuation after the closing.

13. Enclosures

If you have enclosed any documents along with the letter, such as a resume, you indicate this simply by typing Enclosures one line below the closing. As an option, you may list the name of each document you are including in the envelope. For instance, if you have included many documents and need to ensure that the recipient is aware of each document, it may be a good idea to list the names.

14. Typist initials

Typist initials are used to indicate the person who typed the letter. If you typed the letter yourself, omit the typist initials.

15. A Note About Format and Font

Block Format
When writing business letters, you must pay special attention to the format and font used. The most common layout of a business letter is known as block format. Using this format, the entire letter is left justified and single spaced except for a double space between paragraphs.
Modified Block
Another widely utilized format is known as modified block format. In this type, the body of the letter and the sender's and recipient's addresses are left justified and single-spaced. However, for the date and closing, tab to the center point and begin to type.
The final, and least used, style is semi-block. It is much like the modified block style except that each paragraph is indented instead of left justified.
Keep in mind that different organizations have different format requirements for their professional communication. While the examples provided by the OWL contain common elements for the basic business letter (genre expectations), the format of your business letter may need to be flexible to reflect variables like letterheads and templates. Our examples are merely guides.
If your computer is equipped with Microsoft Office 2000, the Letter Wizard can be used to take much of the guesswork out of formatting business letters. To access the Letter Wizard, click on the Tools menu and then choose Letter Wizard. The Wizard will present the three styles mentioned here and input the date, sender address and recipient address into the selected format. Letter Wizard should only be used if you have a basic understand of how to write a business letter. Its templates are not applicable in every setting. Therefore, you should consult a business writing handbook if you have any questions or doubt the accuracy of the Letter Wizard.
Another important factor in the readability of a letter is the font. The generally accepted font is Times New Roman, size 12, although other fonts such as Arial may be used. When choosing a font, always consider your audience. If you are writing to a conservative company, you may want to use Times New Roman. However, if you are writing to a more liberal company, you have a little more freedom when choosing fonts.
Punctuation after the salutation and closing - use a colon (:) after the salutation (never a comma) and a comma (,) after the closing. In some circumstances, you may also use a less common format, known as open punctuation. For this style, punctuation is excluded after the salutation and the closing.

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Resensi buku bahasa indonesia2

“Don't cry! Allah Loves You”
1. Identitas buku
Judul buku : Don't cry!  Allah Loves You
Nama Pengarang : Ahmad Rifa'i Rif'an
Tahun Terbit : 2013
Nama Penerbit : PT Elex Media Komputindo Kompas Gramedia Building
Tempat Terbit : Jl. Palmerah Barat 29-3
Halaman : 243

2. Pokok-pokok isi buku ( Sinopsis )
Mau rezeki mengalirkan berlimpah? Mau hidup selalu dicukupinya? Mau badan disehatkan, penghasilan dilancarkan, keluarga dibahagiakan? Bahkan ingin memiliki properti yang harganya tak tertandingi?

Tuhan mejanjikan rezeki yang berlimpah, hidup dicukupkan, raga disehatkan, keluarga disejahterakan, bahkan kelak akan dibangunkan sebuah istana disurga. Syaratnya jangan lupa shalat dhuha. Setelah shalat dhuha, kita dianjurkan melakukan do'a yang maknanya sangat indah, yakni bermohon pada Tuhan agar menurunkan rezeki yang ada dilangit, mengeluar rezeki yang tertimbun di bumi, mendekatkan rezeki yang jauh,dan memudahkan rezeki yang sukar. Semoga dengan dhuha kehidupan kita makin di permudah oleh Allah Swt.

Shalat dhuha dilaksanakan muali dua rakaat sampai 12 rakaat. Rutinkan tiap hari, shalat dhuha jangan sampai kendur. Agar keluarga makin makmur, agar nasip makin mujur, agar ladang rezeki makin subur.

3. Kelebihan buku
Isi cerita buku tersebut mudah di pahami
Bab satu dengan bab yang lainnya tidak saling berkaitan, sehingga isi buku tersebut merupakan kumpulan cerita-cerita kenyataan yang telah teerjadi
- Motivasi yang di berikan kepada si pembaca.
- buku ini sangat patut dikonsumsi masyarakat kalangan umum maupun lanjut usia. Karena dalam kumpulan-kumpulan ceritanya pengarang memberikan isi cerita yang dapat mendorong pembaca untuk melakukan perubahan dalam kehidupan yang lebih baik
- Gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam penyajian buku ini cukup baik. Tidak terlalu formal, tetapi sesuai dengan EYD.

4. Kekurangan buku
- Isi cerita dalam kumpulan-kumpulan buku ini terlalu sedikit, sehingga pembaca cepat merasa bosan dalam  membacanya, karena rasa penasaran si pembaca tidak sesuai yang diharapkan...
- alur cerita yang maju mundur, membuat pembaca sulit menyesuaikan cerita dengan alur.

5. Saran-saran
 Menambahkan hal menarik yang ada didalam buku seperti contoh gambar, bacaan do'a dan memberikan contoh dasar..

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Lima Proposisi Euler

1. Semua S adalah semua P, Suatu perangkat yang tercakup dalam subjek sama dengan perangkat yang terdapat dalam predikat.
Contoh Kalimat : - Semua  burung terbang
                           - Semua ikan berenang
                           - Semua diam adalah semua tidak bergerak
                           - Semua berjalan adalah semua tidak diam
                           - Semua duduk adalah semua tidak berdiri

2. Semua S adalah P, Suatu perangkat yang tercakup dalam subjek menjadi bagian dari perangkat predikat.

Contoh kalimat : - Semua burung terbang
                          - Semua ikan berenang
                          - Semua burung berkaki dua
                          - Semua ikan bersisik
                          - Semua domba berbulu

3. Sebagian S adalah P, Suatu perangkat predikat merupakan bagian dari perangkat subjek.
Contoh kalimat : - Sebagian reptil adalah ular
                          - Sebagian unggas adalah burung
                          - Sebagian hewan adalah sapi
                          - Sebagian kertas adalah koran
                          - Sebagian tumbuhan adalah rumput

4. Tidak semua S adalah P, Suatu perangkat yang tercakup dalam subjek berada di luar perangkat predikat, dengan kata lain, antara subjek dan predikat tidak ada relasi.
Contoh kalimat : - Tidak satupun kucing adalah burung
                          - Tidak satupun kambing berkicau
                          - Tidak semua buaya adalah unggas
                          - Tidak semua rumput adalah hewan
                          - Tidak semua kambing adalah tumbuhan

5. Sebagian S tidaklah P, Sebagian perangkat yang mencakup dalam subjek berada diluar perangkat predikat.
Contoh kalimat : - Sebeagian warna laut tidaklah biru
                          - Sebagian warana rumput tidaklah hijau
                          - Sebagian tiang tidaklah tinggi
                          - Sebagian pria tidaklah berhidung mancung
                          - Sebagian wanita tidaklah berwajah cantik